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Aaron Martin
Gauss at age 17 develop the Gauss's least-squares theorem. Useful for calculating planetary displacements. What were you doing when you were 17 years old?
Statistics is the inability of human beings to calculate what is going to happen
Asking a bodybuilder what protein to buy is like asking a mechanic for car stickers to be faster
Aaron Martin

Work, Automate, Repeat!

  • Telecommunications Engineer working on IT
  • Certified SAP System Administrador with Oracle working as Platform Manager
  • Since my Amstrad CPC 464 until today, Power Platform, Generative AI with Stable Difussion, Weightlifting and 3D Printers are my Hobbies.
Favorite technologies...

.... and excel... don't forget excel is God

Have a project in mind? Reach out to me 📞 from here and let's make it happen.